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Jordynn Mackenzie

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I am a graduate of Ryerson University's New Media program, graphic and web designer, and a self taught seamstress. I live and work in the beautiful city of Toronto, Ontario. I use new and recycled/reclaimed materials to create limited-edition wallets, handbags and accessories as Jordynn Mackenzie.
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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lino Block Printing

Lino Block Printing, originally uploaded by jordynnmackenzie.

I've been experimenting with a different method of printing fabric - Lino Block Printing.

I found a wonderful 3 part tutorial at an awesome blog Jezze:

Part one
Part two
Part three

I have to say - I absolutely am loving this medium. Carving the linoleum is so satisfying. Hopefully I will have some actual usable prints very soon. I'd really like to start printing more of my own fabrics.

Any other lino-nuts out there?


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